Workflows allow you to track and analyze the tasks that end users complete to perform their jobs. This article provides guidance on how to configure workflows for tracking these tasks and how to view workflow analytics.
Workflows are composed of a start and end point. If a process begins in one application, and ends in another, you can track the completion of the workflow across applications. You can also apply a segment to view behavioral patterns for a specific group of users based on metadata attributes like location, team, or job role.
You can set a workflow to recurring if the task is performed repeatedly. We provide different charts for analyzing repeat attempts to complete a workflow.
Currently, Reseller Adopt only supports single application functionality. Multi-application support will be available for Reseller Adopt subscriptions that have more than one application. To see the workflow span applications, VisitorIDs must be the same for a user in each application.
Workflows List
The Workflows page lists all workflows visible to you. If you haven’t created a workflow or can't see any existing workflows, this page prompts you to create a new workflow.
The list of workflows exists in a table format that consists of the following columns:
- Workflow Name. The configured name for the workflow. The default naming is "New Workflow - [Date @ Time]", with the date and time of when it was created.
- Starting App. The application where the workflow begins.
- Ending App. The application where the workflow ends.
- Type. Recurring or non-recurring.
- Visibility. "Everyone" or "Only Me". Workflows visible to everyone appear on the Workflows list for all Adopt users and anyone can view, edit, or delete them.
- Created By. The user ID of the person who created the workflow.
- Created Date. The date and time the workflow was created.
- Last Updated By. The user ID of the person who most recently updated the workflow.
- Last Updated Date. The date and time the workflow was most recently updated.
Create a Workflow
To create a workflow, select + Create New Workflow in the top-right corner of the Workflows page. This creates and opens a new workflow, which you can rename by selecting the name at the top and entering a new name. This name appears on the workflows list.
Next, configure the following workflow settings:
1. Select the Segment you want to analyze.
For example, if you’re interested in understanding how business development representatives (BDRs) are completing processes in Salesforce, create a segment targeting your BDRs by role or Visitor IDs. Once you've created your BDR segment, you can select the segment from the Segment dropdown menu.
2. Select the Date Range to filter workflow data for a limited time period. Adopt has predefined date ranges that you can select to filter Workflow data. The Last 7/14/30/60/90 Days options don't include today.
3. Expand the Details section and then select the Workflow Start. Choose the application and then the Page or Feature within the application that begins the workflow.
4. In the same Details section, select the Workflow End. Choose the application and then the Page or Feature within the application that the workflow ends before the maximum time has elapsed.
5. Choose whether the workflow is recurring.
Recurring workflows are tasks that should be completed more than once. Indicating that a workflow is recurring provides analytics relevant for repeat tasks. Charts show the number of attempts and attempts per time interval, such as the number of workflow events by week, with complete and incomplete counts.
6. Set the workflow Visibility.
"Only Me" hides the workflow from all other Adopt users, meaning that only you can see it in your Workflows List. "Everyone" shares the workflow with every Adopt user, who can then view, edit, or delete the workflow.
7. Optionally, open the Advanced Options dropdown and select the Maximum Time To Complete Workflow. You can choose options that fall between 1 hour and 90 days.
Maximum Time to Complete Workflow defines the amount of time given to complete the workflow. This allows you to see completion rates as defined by the duration chosen under Maximum Time to Complete Workflow and how long it takes to complete a business process.
A workflow is considered incomplete if the time between steps exceeds the specified time. For example, if the maximum time is set to 1 hour, visitors have one hour to complete the workflow once they've begun before the workflow is considered incomplete.
This is different from the Date Range filter described in step 2, which limits the completion data you see as an Adopt user to only those workflows started within a specific time period.
8. Select Save to save and run your workflow to view the analytics.
Edit a Workflow
Edit a workflow by opening the workflow you're interested in and making changes to the relevant filters and details. Once you've made your changes, select Save to run the workflow and view the analytics.
View Workflow Completion and Attempt Rates
Open an existing workflow from the Workflows list to view its analytics. The Home tab is the default view, which shows you the overall completion and attempt rates.
Use the filters at the top to view visitor completion and attempt rates for specific groups of people and over specific periods of time.
In the Home tab, you can additionally expand the Details under the segment and date filters to see what the workflow involves. You can make changes to these details to see the impact they have on your workflow analytics. Select Save to run the workflow and view the analytics.
The highlights chart shows the Workflow's Completion Rate, Median Time to Complete, and total number of Visitor Completions.
Measure process improvements over time. Choose a date range as your baseline to compare previous metrics against your current Workflow analytics.
The first chart shows the total workflows data, with the total number of Active Visitors eligible for the workflow and how many are in each status:
Not Started. Visitors who are counted in the workflow but never used the Workflow Start page or feature.
Incomplete. Visitors who used the Workflow Start page or feature but didn't end before the maximum time elapsed.
Completed. Visitors who used Workflow Start and then Workflow End within the time interval.
The stacked bar chart displays percentages for each status. Data is filtered by the segment and date range. The number of visitors eligible for workflow analytics is the total number of visitors in the segment that have used the workflow start or workflow end apps during the date range.
If the workflow is non-recurring, Visitor Completion is the only available setting. If the workflow is recurring, the chart can show Visitor Completion or Workflow Attempts during the date range.
To gain an understanding of how often visitors are succeeding at the Workflow, you can use the second chart to view workflow completion rates over time.
The second chart in your workflow analytics displays the total workflows data from the first chart in time intervals over the date range. These intervals can be weekly or monthly. You can adjust the intervals using the dropdown menus at the top of the visualization. Some intervals aren't available depending on the length of the date range.
You can also use this visualization to track a guide's impact on your workflow to see if it has helped drive adoption of a business process and to decide on the need for further intervention. Select the guide you want to evaluate from the dropdown menu in the top-right of the second chart.
Note: Make sure the publish date for your guide falls within the date range for the workflow.
Visitors who completed the workflow are in pink. Visitors that started but didn't complete the workflow are in blue. Visitors who didn't start the workflow aren't included in these metrics.
For non-recurring workflows, the chart is cumulative, allowing you to see how much completion and attempt rates increase over time.
For recurring workflows, the chart separates the total workflows data into granular completion and attempt rates at each interval in the chart.
Tip: If a workflow is being attempted more times than you expect, your visitors might be struggling with the Workflow. When the workflow's attempts are less than you expect, this could be that your visitors are unsure how to begin or finish the Workflow.
Time to Complete Chart
The third chart in your workflow analytics displays the time to complete chart which shows a breakdown of completion time distribution (or cumulative) by weeks (or minutes, hours, and days).
Data Table
At the bottom of the workflow's Home page is a table of raw data used to construct the charts. Columns show the values for Not Started, Incomplete, and Complete statuses, and average time to complete. Recurring workflows also show the average number of times completed and not completed.
The data can be grouped by any of the metadata associated with your active visitors to further break down the raw data and show completion data by role, department, or other criteria.
All data in the data table can be downloaded as a CSV file and columns can be added or removed with the Manage Columns button.
View Workflow Journeys
Use Journeys to gain context and visibility into completion paths, and save time by building guides on the most impactful steps in the process. Journeys allow you to make data-driven process decisions, such as when and where to introduce guides, or whether to redesign the process itself. The visualizations provided show you:
- The series of unique, sequential steps visitors take to complete a workflow (process).
- How many completed workflow attempts followed each route.
- The overall time to complete the process.
- The average time between each step.
To view workflow journeys, open an existing workflow from the Workflows list and then open the Journeys tab. Journeys focus exclusively on visitors who've completed the process from start to end.
As in the Home tab of a workflow, you can use the filters at the top to specify groups of people and periods of time for Journeys.
In the Journeys tab, you can additionally choose to see only journeys that include a specific step (Page or Feature). You can specify a required step by either: using the Must Include dropdown under the segment and date filters; or hovering over a step in the Journeys for Completed Workflows diagram and selecting the star icon.
Journeys for Completed Workflows
Journeys are cross-app and can include apps that aren't in your workflow definition. You can add up to five apps to journeys. This affects the load time for you workflow analytics.
The Top Journeys view shows you:
- Most common. The most common path taken to complete a process.
- Fewest steps. The path with the fewest steps between the start and end of the process.
- Quickest. The path with the shortest completion time.
Note: The same Journey can be simultaneously the most common, involve the fewest steps, and take the shortest amount of time.
The All Journeys view allows you to sort by frequency (most to least common), completion time (shortest to longest), and number of steps (fewest to most).
Select Pages and Features
You can be selective about what steps (Pages and Features) are included in your Journeys visualizations. This can help you understand things like:
- What percentage of visitors take a particular step, such as reading guidelines before completing a task.
- What percentage of visitors take suboptimal or erroneous steps.
- What percentage of visitors get stuck on particular steps.
- Where and when visitors leave the process to request help or submit a support ticket.
You can select and deselect specific steps to include in your visualizations with the Select Pages and Features option in top-right of the page. Use the checkboxes in the slide-out panel to make changes and then select Save in the bottom-right corner.
Note: Only previously tagged Pages and Features can be used in Journeys. For tagging instructions, see Tagging with the Visual Design Studio.
Journey Insights
Journey insights highlight workflow inefficiencies in the Most Common completed workflow journey and offer recommendations for how to alleviate them. They uncover which steps might need intervention and provide suggestions for how to improve the user journey.
When you have journey insights to view, a purple callout box appears at the top of the Journeys page. Select Show Me to view these insights in an overlay that you can scroll through using the arrows at the bottom.
The types of insights we offer are as follows:
- Longest step. We highlight which step in the most common journey takes visitors the longest amount of time to complete.
- Repeated sequence. We highlight when a sequence of steps is repeated in the most common journey. A repeated sequence is a series of two or more steps that appears at least twice in the most common journey.
- Repeated steps. We highlight when a single step (Page tag or Feature tag) is repeated two or more times in the most common journey.
- Quickest versus most common. We make a time comparison between the quickest and most common journeys to help you understand how much time you might save with an intervention that encourages visitors to take a different route.
Segment by Workflow Completion Status
Decreasing workflow completion rates might indicate that visitors are encountering issues that require intervention. You can then segment visitors into their own group and show these visitors a specific guide to help them get on track.
Navigate to Workflows and open the workflow you're interested in. From here:
1. Select + Create Segment in the top-right of the workflow analytics page.
2. Give your segment a name.
3. Choose Workflow Progress from the first dropdown menu.
4. Choose your workflow from the second dropdown menu. The default selection is the name of the workflow you opened to create this segment.
5. Choose Complete, Incomplete, or Not Started from the third dropdown menu.
6. Choose the date range. The default is the same as the global date range for the workflow. For example, if the workflow's global date range is set to "Last 30 days", the date range in the segment for the workflow is automatically "within last" plus "30" plus "days".
7. Select Save Segment.
You can then navigate to the Guides page to design a guide that displays to the segment you created in an effort to help them complete the workflow.
Important: The number of Eligible Visitors in a new segment created from your workflow can be different from the number of Active Visitors in your workflow's completion metrics. This is because Adopt's global filters (segment and date range) aren't saved as part of your workflow's definition. If you have a custom segment or date range in the global filter bar, you might need to add segment rules to ensure that the numbers of Eligible Visitors in your segment matches the Active Visitors in your workflow's completion metrics.
Segments created on the Segments page consider any visitor in the subscription, across applications. Segments in guides are specific to an application. When the segment is applied to a guide, only visitors for that application are considered.
After deploying a guide to this segment, return to the second chart in your workflow to gauge if the number of Completed workflows has increased. Select the guide you want to evaluate from the dropdown menu in the top-right of the second chart, ensuring that the date range for the chart includes the publication date for the guide.