Partners can request their Pendo Partner Enablement Manager (PEM) to enable Agent metadata for their Reseller Adopt End Users (AEUs). By enabling these metadata fields, AEUs can use them to build segments, target guides, and filter analytics.
These metadata fields are updated when the agent sends events with the metadata value. Once a metadata field is enabled, it cannot be disabled or removed. If a field cannot be removed, the Partner will see the message below that says, “This metadata is tied to Pendo Adopt and cannot be removed.”
Once a metadata field is Adopt Enabled, will the value immediately appear in the Reseller Adopt End User account?
When a metadata field is enabled by a Pendo PEM, old events will not display the newly enabled metadata. The Agent metadata field(s), however, will appear on new events.
Note: Once a partner enables an existing field, they won’t receive data until a user logs into their Reseller Adopt Account.
If a metadata field wasn’t Adopt Enabled before an event reached the Reseller Adopt account, the metadata field won’t appear in the Reseller Adopt account. Once the metadata field(s) is "Adopt Enabled" by a PEM, the metadata field is visible to a Reseller Adopt account via the Visitors Tab.
How can a Partner verify a Reseller Adopt account is receiving the newly enabled metadata?
Navigate to the Analytics tab (1) and select the Visitors tab (2). From here, you can either select a specific Visitor to be taken to their details view, which shows all their individual metadata values (3), or you can select the "columns" icon (4) and add the desired metadata fields to the Visitors table to see the values populate for the whole table.
These fields will only be updated if new events are sent in with the metadata field after the field was enabled. The fields highlighted below were added to the Data Mapping tab by a PEM and now appear in an Adopt End User's Account.
Why is the “Remove” button disabled on certain metadata fields?
Removing an "Adopt Enabled" metadata field would break any segments using these data. If the “Remove” button is not disabled, your organization is not passing it down to Reseller Adopt End Users. Partners can therefore still remove the metadata field.
Note: Partners won’t be able to see the "Adopt Enabled" column in the Data Mappings tab. To make a change to the Data Mappings tab, contact your Partner Enablement Manager or email pem@pendo.io.