This article is meant to provide information on how unsharing or deleting shared pages and features can impact Reseller Adopt end users.
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What Happens If I Disable A Shared Page?
Once a page or feature is deleted or unshared, Reseller Adopt will stop the sync between the partner version and the Reseller Adopt end user’s version.
For pages, this could cause issues if the URLs in your app change and the rules on those previously shared pages need to be updated.
What Happens If I Unshare A Feature?
If a feature rule no longer applies to a previously shared feature because of changes to the HTML or CSS of your application, then that feature will exist for the Reseller Adopt end user with the wrong rule until it is updated and re-shared.
In all situations where a page or feature rule no longer applies, the Reseller Adopt end users will see the wrong analytics or no analytics for those pages and features until the rules are updated and they are re-shared. If a segment exists that is tied to one of these features or pages and that segment controls whether a Reseller Adopt end user guide displays, then the guide will either display in the wrong location if the target was moved or the guide will simply display the wrong information.
It’s important to remember that Reseller Adopt end users can create their custom pages (if a customers app has their own specific page URLs) too, as end users will be looking at their own pages in addition to the shared pages.
Partners should consider changing the rules in the case of an update instead of unsharing pages or features, due to segmentation dependencies.
Is There A Limit As To How Many Pages I Can Share With An End User?
No, but it is better to start small and add more pages as needed. Reseller Adopt end users can add their own custom pages (if a customers app has their own specific page URLs) as well, so it's best to only share what you think are high priority pages for users.
Be careful when changing the rules on a page or feature that has already been shared, as your Reseller Adopt end users may have created guides targeted to those pages or segments using those page analytics.