Reseller Adopt uses CSS Selectors as rules to identify and target specific elements within your application. There may be situations where you want to choose an alternative CSS Selector to Reseller Adopt's Suggested Match for element location. In this case, you can choose Custom CSS when selecting your element location to target the desired element on the page.
Click here for a basic reference on CSS Selectors. This provides examples of the various syntax used.
Supported Syntax
element element
element > element
- We support "href" and "value"[attribute="value"]
- Note: index is 1-based.:contains("text")
Siblings are not supported.
Example of :Contains()
Here is an example for targeting a button that has the text "Next" in it. Note that your text in the selector must match the text in your HTML exactly.
Note: If you are using nested element (e.g. a class inside of another class) you cannot use more than one contains rule in a location selection and the contains rule must be on the last feature in the selector.