This article outlines the steps involved to pass down Features to Reseller Adopt accounts. Passing down Features allows Adopt Managers to decide which Features their Reseller Adopt end users/customers should have access to for guide targeting and analytics.Configure Analytics
1) Open your Adopt Settings from the settings navigation and click on the Configure Analytics tab.
2) Scroll down past the Pages configuration to view the Features table.
3) Select the Features you wish to pass down to Reseller Adopt accounts by clicking + Manage Features. You can either select all features by clicking the empty box next to the Feature Name header title, or select individual features.
The reason you may want to select individual features versus passing down all of your features, would be if you have multiple feature rules tagged for the same features for your own internal analytics consumption, but you do not want to confuse your Reseller Adopt end users/customers by giving them multiple Features to choose from when segmenting for guide targeting or when viewing their own analytics.
Once you've selected your desired Features, click the Publish button on the bottom right corner of the page.
Now your Features will be published to your Reseller Adopt end users/customers.
Display Names
You have the ability to change the names of your Features that are displayed to Reseller Adopt customers. Simply click into the page name within the Adopt Display Name column and you will see a text edit box to change the name. Click the check box to save your changes.
This is useful in the event of internal syntax for your own analytics purposes, but you need something a bit more user friendly for your customers to understand.
You have the ability to add a description to the Features you pass to your Reseller Adopt end users/customers. This can be used for helpful context to help them understand exactly which Feature it is.
Under the Description column, click Add to create a new description or click the Edit Description button if you've previously created a description and wish to change it.
Removing Features
In the event you do need to remove Features that have been published to your customers, simply click the Manage Features link in the top right of the features table and deselect the features you intend to remove. Click on the Publish button to finish removing the features.
Warning: It is not recommended to remove a Feature that has already been published as your Reseller Adopt end users/customers may have created segments using those feature analytics for guide targeting. It is better to start small and add more Features as needed. If it is essential to remove the feature as it is no longer applicable, be sure to inform your Reseller Adopt end users/customers of the change.